Interested in learning more about carpal tunnel release with ultrasound guidance? Request a Free Symptom Assessment and get connected with our clinic.
Carpal Tunnel Syndrome sufferers deserve to know all their treatment options.
With this innovative technique, carpal tunnel release is minimally invasive thanks to real-time ultrasound guidance that requires only a small incision.
Procedures & counting...
Most return to work and normal activity within 3-6 days3,5,6,8
Performed in a procedure room or office setting8-10
Uses only local anesthesia; you don't need to be asleep during the procedure3,6,8,9
1.6 average pain rating (out of 10)6-9
Most patients only require over-the-counter pain management5,6,9
Joseph C. McGinley, MD, PhD is a distinguished musculoskeletal radiologist, CEO, innovator, and an esteemed figure in the world of orthopedic medicine. With a fellowship training in Cardiovascular and Musculoskeletal Imaging, combined with degrees in Radiology and Mechanical Engineering, Dr. McGinley navigates both the practical and theoretical intricacies of his field with extraordinary proficiency.
In addition to his private practice, Dr. McGinley is the Founder and CEO of McGinley Orthopedics, a company spearheading the development of handheld robotic technologies. His ground-breaking inventions within the realm of orthopedic medicine and medical imaging have earned him over 100 issued and pending patents, testifying to his inventive genius.
As a reputable entrepreneur, Dr. McGinley continues to hold an appointment as a clinical instructor at the University of Washington, achieving a commendable balance between being a medical practitioner, a professor, and a CEO. His work has been acknowledged on prominent platforms such as NBC and CBS News, as well as in highly-regarded publications including Women’s Running, Runner’s World, Hemisphere, and Motocross Action Magazines.
Dr. McGinley is the CEO and Founder of The McGinley Clinic situated in Casper, Wyoming. The clinic is in global demand and is frequented by numerous patients, including acclaimed world-class athletes, all seeking innovative and effective medical treatments.
Mechanical Engineering
Medical School
Degree in Radiology
Stanford University
Cardiovascular and Musculoskeletal Imaging from Stanford University
Board Certifications
Radiology, and Musculoskeletal Radiology
Sister Kevin received carpal tunnel release with ultrasound guidance
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UltraGuideCTR is a trademark of Sonex Health Inc.
This information is for general education purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice or for individual evaluation by a trained and licensed health care provider. Refer to the device instructions for use for detailed information regarding intended use, the procedure, indications, contraindications, warnings, precautions, and potential complications/adverse events. There are potential risks associated with UltraGuideCTR™. It may not be appropriate for all patients and not all patients may benefit. Every individual is unique, and experiences, risks, and outcomes may vary. While UltraGuideCTR may not cure CTS, it is a treatment option that addresses a symptom of CTS. Talk to your doctor about the benefits and risks and whether carpal tunnel release with UltraGuideCTR is right for you. For more information about the risks, visit:
Last Updated April 22, 2024